Day52, 3500km: London's calling, John's End.

Friends and family, We are wearily content with what we accomplished so far- 3500 kilometers, which raised $2700.00. This does not include the contributions that were sent to us in the mail, which we will recognize on our blog when we return home. In that light, we both want to deeply thank all of you who helped us get here. You all helped, whether it was donating money or donating time, to make this unique experience possible. In the end we want to accurately convey to you all, in some way, shape or form, how this experience for us was.
Homeward bound. I suppose that this was the idea the day that both George and I landed in Athens. It is beginning to settle in a little bit- this last day of MY bicycle ride- George is leaving Friday. The ferry from Calais in France to the white cliffs of Dover on England's shore was not anticlimactic at all by any means, but George and I just gave each other an enthusiastic high five and a pat on the back, and we were off. I find my time here in London, having spent just some of it with longtime friend Amanda Jones, already short and busy. Wanting to see the historical center, which is all of the city I can afford the time to see with this visit, should prove to be a whirlwind experience. London is huge and interesting, however, so this cannot be my last time here. The European continent is already calling again as well. There is lots to do when I return. With tasks at hand, we all sustain ourselves with thoughts of faraway places. To what end they lead us is anyone's guess. But for me in particular, this was an incredible end to which I have been lead. Warmest regards to all, John

1 comment:

  1. George, John, this is really impressive! Thanks for the card, Ned's already packing his Dr Seuss books in anticipation. But, come to think of it, if/when I can wrangle a trip to D.C., I should probably bring my own whisky. And likewise if you're ever this side of the Atlantic ...

    It was really good to meet you both. Don't forget to send on that video of Lorraine's bid to be straightjacketed.

